Top 5 Reasons Why You Need a Technology Consulting Service


Top 5 Reasons Why You Need a Technology Consulting Service

Apr 19, 2021

Many businesses run on a limited budget. So, if you run a small or mid-sized business, you may not be able to maintain a dedicated in-house information technology department. Even if you can, the high overhead cost will make it a poor business decision. That’s you will need to work with a managed technology consulting firm.

Hiring an IT expert to help you make strategic IT decisions and maintain your infrastructure will enable you to scale your business without the unnecessary overhead cost. Here is a brief description of the major benefits you can gain from working with an IT consultant.

1. Significant Cost Savings

Hiring an IT consultant in place of in-house IT staff will allow you to save on wages, employee benefits, taxes, and departmental maintenance costs. You also save money because your consultant can reduce your downtime to as low as two percent per month in some cases.

Instead of waiting for a problem to occur and then troubleshooting it, your technology consulting provider will take proactive steps to prevent issues from cropping up. Also, the type of billing you receive from an IT consultant is budget-friendly. You can opt for monthly, quarterly, or annual payments.

You can choose how much to pay based on a detailed service level agreement. The agreement allows you to reduce or increase the level of service you want as your business needs change.

2. 24/7 IT Support

Virtually all businesses operate partly or fully online. That means you can’t afford to have any long downtime. The main causes of downtime include:

  • Security breaches
  • Network failure
  • Hardware failure
  • Software bugs

Security threats always exist as hackers keep exploring new ways to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information. However, your IT consultant will be aware of the latest security threats and help you to take steps to prevent them.

3. Increased Capacity to Handle Big Data

To improve customer relationships, increase sales and create effective advertising campaigns, both small and large businesses harness big data.

However, managing and digging through big data is not an easy task. Analyzing a huge volume of data can be tedious and time-consuming. IT consultants can use the data they gather from managing your infrastructure to help you understand how to improve productivity, save cost, and improve security.

4. Improved IT Security

Online security attacks occur daily in both large and small businesses. That’s why business owners need to make cybersecurity a top priority.

Working with an IT consulting firm with a proven record of preventing cyber-attacks and creating effective bail-out plans for their clients can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Remember that if a security breach occurs, its effect goes beyond the exposure or loss of sensitive data. Your company’s reputation can be adversely affected. A security breach can lead to high litigation fees and loss of revenue.

5. Access to Specialist Knowledge

When you partner with a managed IT service provider, you gain access to the entire company’s expertise. A reliable IT solution provider will employ experts in different fields of IT.

You will have experts in hardware installation and maintenance, software troubleshooting, network installation, monitoring, and maintenance, as well as cybersecurity experts. Thus, you will share in the knowledge and experience their team has gathered over many years.

Get the Best Technology Consulting Services for Your Business

Contact Garden State Computing today at 973-636-7350 to book a free consultation and discuss all your IT needs.

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